Title / Link Publisher Scope
21st Century Christian Churches of Christ in the United States 21 st Century Christian, Inc., 4108 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 200, Nashville, TN.  37215-2701, Carl Royster, editor. Database of about 14,000 records of Churches of Christ in the United States, including numerous properties of each church. Currently out of print. 
Churches of Christ in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, South Wales, The Republic of Ireland, and Merthyr Tydfil The Christian Worker magazine England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, South Wales, the Republic of ireland, and Merthyr Tydfil
Official Directory of the International Church of Christ (ICOC) Elders and Delegates of the International Church of Christ (ICoC) This directory enumerates about 700 churches worldwide, associated with the ICOC.
Disciples Today directory of the International churches of Christ (ICOC). Disciples Today, publisher. Global locator for 700 churches in the ICOC. Minor differences compared to the above official directory.
Internet Ministries Silbano Garcia, II, Salisbury Maryland, US. This is part of a business providing a variety of services, including web development, hosting, and job posting. About 15,000 records for churches worldwide.
Conservative and non-institutional Churches of Christ Online Ryan Waldron A list of congregations created by Ryan Waldron that would describe themselves as "conservative and non-institutional".
Assembly Locations of Christians Anywhere In the world. Steve Rudd, Hamilton, Ontario Steve Rudd's list of Conservative and Non-Institutional congregations.
The "Old Paths Network Directory of Churches of Christ" and other websites of German-speaking communities. Roy Davison, Heistraten 27
B-2230 Herselt, BelgiumTel: + 32 14 946039 
Details on churches in Belgium, Canada, German, France, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Switzerland, Norway, Holland, Australia, and New Zealand
Directory of churches of Christ in Ghana Ted Wheeler, (941) 493-2403, Venice Florida church of Christ, 4301 State Road 776 Venice, FL 34293 USA Ghana
Directory of Korean churches of Christ Malcolm E. Parsley, Church of Christ Mission, Ku Seoul, South Korea 157-016 Approximately 120 churches of Christ in South Korea
Churches of Christ in Thailand Marut Runguang, Ubon, Thailand  Informal list of about 17 churches, last updated in 2000.
Chiesa di Cristo.org -- Churches of Christ in Italy. unidentified List of approximately 18 churches of Chrit.
Michigan Church Locator Arborbridge Church (formerly Ann Arbor Church of Christ). Approximately 200 churches listed in Michigan. Updated 2004.
Texas Churches of Christ Jay Crook, Corpus Christi, TX managing theseeker.org web site. Approximately 700 churches of Christ in Texas.
David Risener's One Cup Directory of New Testament Churches. David Risener, Sulphur, OK. 817-710-4291 These are approximately two 600 selected churches that align with a specific list of worship practices described on the web site. Last updated 2006.
Other Church Directories -- various independent and denominational listings included.
FindAChurch.com Alan Glass, Scranton, PA "The Global Directory of Houses of Worship . . ." Here, you'll find an extensive searchable database of local Christian communities from around the world!FindAChurch.com currently features over 25,000 (United States) and 10,000 (Canada) congregations -- soon to be over 500,000 globally!
Directory of Austrailian Churches of Christ Howard Hampton These churches are not generally associated to the traditions of The Restoration Movement associated with the Churches of Christ in the United States.
WorldWide Church Directory The website (orginally founded by Stephen Thomas, Cindy Thomas, and Gordon Albury) has been in existance since 1995.  Database of 20,000 denominational churches, 6,500 'ministries' and a directory of denominational directories of churches.
CrossLink Ministries Church Locator Rick Bates continues to be the senior systems engineer and site developer. CrossLink was developed in 1996 to use the power of the Internet to connect the people and ministries of the Restoration Movement.  This directory generally includes Christian Churches, not so much "Churches of Christ"as they are known in the United States. Related to the Anukan Ministries published by College Press publishing.